I think everyone at some point has either asked or thought this question …  How much does it hurt?  Some might even avoid getting a tattoo just out of fear of how much pain they will feel.  Unfortunately,  there is not a direct answer to this question.  It totally depends on each persons pain threshold and tattoo placement.  Each area of the body shows pain differently.

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The first few minutes of getting your new tattoo is usually the worst and then you start to realize that it really isn’t as bad as you thought it was going to be.  Don’t get me wrong it is not smooth sailing from there, but you now know the answer to “How much does it hurt?”.  Just relax and if needed take breaks during your tattoo session so you can stretch.

Some have describe the pain to be like an annoying poke, paper cuts, blowtorch, a hot scratch, rats chewing, and sharp.  It helps to be fully informed on the tattoo process so that you will already have an idea of what is going to take place.  Make sure that you have eaten a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before your tattoo appointment, this will ensure that you will not feel week or want to pass out.